Forum for Insurance Transition to Net-Zero (FIT)

Our ambition is for our insurance portfolio to be climate-neutral in 2050 or earlier if possible. To this end, Achmea has joined the Forum for Insurance Transition to Net-Zero (FIT).
The FIT is an initiative of the United Nations in which insurers work together on science-based standards and methods for measuring the carbon footprint of insurance portfolios and setting reduction targets. Members of the FIT commit to achieving net-zero carbon emissions from their business operations and insurance portfolios as of 2050.

Our commitments via the Forum for Insurance Transition to Net-Zero include:

  • Measuring and reporting on the carbon footprint of our insurance portfolio (in phases from 2023);
  • Setting interim carbon emission targets and reporting annually on the progress made on these (in phases from 2023);
  • Informing and encouraging (potential) customers to make sustainable insurance choices;
  • Supporting a socially equitable transition to a climate-neutral society;
  • Partnerships with other organisations, such as other insurers, the government and social organisations, in order to promote the goals of the FIT.