Annual results 2024
This page provides an overview of the most important results for the year 2024.
Bianca Tetteroo explains the 2024 annual results.
“We are proud of the results we are presenting today. We are seeing significant growth in all segments, are demonstrating strong execution strength, are making good progress on our strategy and are strengthening our market leadership in non-life and health.”
Main results for 2024
Operational result
Operational result increased by €109 million (+21%) due to higher insurance service result at Non-Life, growth in interest margin at Achmea Bank and improved investment result.
Net result
Net result of €814 million, underpinned by higher operational result and favourable development financial markets.
Premiums en Asset under management
Growth in all segments; premiums increased to €22.3 billion. Strong revenue growth in international activities and retirement services revenues (both 21%). Assets under Management rose 12% to €218 billion.
Solvency II
Solvency solid at 183%; decrease mainly due to business growth, model changes and repurchase of capital instruments.
Partnerschap met Sixth Street
Het aangekondigde partnerschap met Sixth Street en Lifetri creëert aanvullende groeimogelijkheden in de pension buy-out markt en levert ruim 500.000 nieuwe Centraal Beheer-klanten op.
Customer satisfaction
Good NPS scores based on high appreciation for our employees and swift claim handling supported by strategic investments in data and digitisation.
Realisatie duurzaamheidsdoelen ligt op koers, met goede voortgang op CO2-reductie. Het doel om eind 2025 minimaal 10% van de eigen beleggingen toe te wijzen aan impactbeleggen verloopt volgens plan.