A girl wearing Virtual Reality (VR) glasses

Supercharge your startup with Achmea

We put the power of Achmea in the hands of founders who want to change the world.

Supercharge your startup with Achmea

We put the power of Achmea in the hands of founders who want to change the world.

Much more than an accelerator

Your vision is our mission

Together we first fortify your startup by focussing on the foundations of your process, people and product. Once set, we push the peddle to the metal and accelerate your business with customized support from one of the largest companies in the Netherlands. No generic program, no large batch of startups, but a personalized gameplan to tackle your biggest challenges with a group of experts, former founders and mentors that are on your side, for as long as it takes.
Man using handheld cutter

A true partnership

Tailored to your founder journey

Your victories are our victories. We are in it for the long run and want to see you succeed. We have built a synergistic space where collaboration reigns. You'll be surrounded by experts and mentors who are as invested in your growth as they are in their own; creating a rich, supportive ecosystem.
Man in brown shirt standing on green grass field during sunset

Personalized & expert help.

We invest in you both on a personal and a business level. Our team consists of topic experts and former founders with hands-on experience to guide you through your founder journey. From setting a solid foundation for your business to helping you define your start up’s goals and more importantly; how to reach them without losing sight of your personal well-being.

Sustainable growth & profitability.

With us, you’ll develop a business that not only withstands market challenges but also grows and adapts over time. Our mentors will help you implement practices that ensure sustainable growth and long-term profitab

For a brighter future.

We champion innovations that create a healthier, safer, and forward-thinking society. That's why we invest in bold visionaries and action-takers who share our mission of a sustainable future.

Achmea's powerhouse effect

When you partner up with us, your startup will receive the full benefits of working with a powerhouse like Achmea. Doors that previously remained closed, will now open swiftly. Our vast network and customer base will launch your startup to the heights you have always aimed for, only faster and with a lasting foundation for future success.

Our offer you can't refuse

250K worth of resources

75-150K equity investment

Several year commitment

Structured approach

Expert guidance

Achmea's network

Who are we looking for?

If you're an entrepreneur with a startup in the themes we focus on we want to hear from you. We will also consider brilliant products or services in other areas.

Our themes

  • Healthcare
  • Mobility
  • Income now, later and in the future
  • Living
  • Working


  • First paying customers.
  • Founders own 75%+ of the equity.
  • A solution that solves a real and big problem.
  • Large target market.
  • Businessmodel with high growth potential.
  • Large positive impact on society.

Onboarding overview


Fill in our intake form, which you can do with button below.

+ 1 week

First exploratory call or meeting

+ 2 weeks

If it's a match, start due-diligence

+ 4-5 weeks

Discuss detail to agreement

+ 12 weeks

Onboarding at our office in Amsterdam