People Pension Trust

A pension for people who would normally not have access to social security benefits, that is the aim of the Peoples Pension Trust. In a country such as Ghana, about 80% of the population works as an entrepreneur or otherwise does not have a permanent job. As a result, they have no access to social security benefits. In other words: no pension is accrued by this group of people and they are often reduced to poverty in old age.

Together with Enviu, the Achmea Foundation is setting up a pension fund in Ghana: Peoples Pension Trust (PPT). The PPT comprises a pension product for which participants can put aside a flexible weekly or monthly amount. This amount is deposited via mobile phone and/or existing savings and loan communities. A local bank manages and invests the money; the aim is that participants retain spending power. Participants receive weekly or monthly payments for a fixed period at a date they decide themselves.

This project was started in 2013. The PPT aims to have 10,000 members by 2016. The idea is that the PPT will be able to operate as an independent company as of 2017.


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  • By 2020, 100,000 Ghanaians will have accrued a pension.

  • The micro-pensions mean that people will not be reduced to poverty in old age, and their children can continue to invest in their future.

  • After Ghana, the Peoples Pension Trust wants to scale the project up globally
