Our climate approach
Achmea signed the Paris Pledge for Action in 2015 and the Dutch Financial Sector’s Climate Commitment in 2019, in which we demonstrate how we implement the Dutch National Climate Agreement in our role as an investor and lender. Achmea signed the Paris Pledge for Action in 2015 and the Climate Commitment of the Financial Sector in 2019, in which we indicate how we implement the Dutch Climate Agreement from our role as an investor and financier. We have joined the Forum for Insurance Transition to Net-Zero (FIT), in which we promise to also make our insurance portfolios climate neutral by 2050 at the latest. The FIT is the successor to the Net Zero Insurance Alliance.For future generations
The national and international climate goals require an enormous transition. Together with our partners, other market parties, the government and our customers, we are working to combat further climate change. By accelerating the process as much as possible now, we are assuming responsibility and not putting this off till some future date. Previous generations were able to rely on us; future generations can also do so.Transition strategy
In 2021 Achmea formulated its transition strategy for achieving climate neutrality. This is aimed at making our customers and society more resilient to the consequences of climate change and stimulating the transition to a climateneutral society. We distinguish three roles in which we can have an impact on the climate theme. Firstly in our business operations and as an employer, for example via our buildings and operating assets, mobility and procurement policies. Secondly, via the investments and loans on our balance sheet. And thirdly, via our insurance and services.Klimaatcommitment
Dutch Financial Sector’s Climate Commitment
Together with other financial institutions, Achmea has committed itself via the Dutch Financial Sector’s Climate Commitment to the climate goals contained in the Dutch National Climate Agreement.
As part of this Climate Agreement the financial sector has drawn up a Climate Commitment. In it, the financial sector has committed to contributing to implementation of the Paris Agreement and Dutch National Climate Agreement. By signing this commitment, the financial sector has agreed the following:
- The parties will participate in financing the energy transition and to this end accept a best efforts obligation within the framework of laws and regulations and risk/return objectives;
- The parties will undertake to measure the carbon footprint of relevant loans and investments. Starting in the 2020 financial year they will publicly report on this;
- No later than 2022, the parties will publish their action plans including reduction targets for 2030. The parties will explain the actions they will take to contribute to the Paris Agreement.
Climate ambitions
Achmea is well aware of the important role that financial institutions such as insurers, investors and lenders have in the transition to a CO₂-neutral society. We set the bar high for ourselves and have defined ambitious targets:
- Climate-neutral business operations in 2030.
- Climate-neutral property and mortgage portfolios in 2050.
- Climate-neutral investment portfolio in 2040 (equities and corporate bonds).
- Climate-neutral investment portfolio in 2050 (other relevant asset classes).
- Climate-neutral insurance portfolio by no later than 2050.
In our climate transition plan we describe how we work towards achieving our climate ambitions.
By climate-neutral we mean that specific activities do not exacerbate the greenhouse gas effect, in other words that the activities do not contribute to the amount of CO₂ and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This can be achieved by sharply reducing greenhouse gas emissions and by extracting these gases from the atmosphere, e.g. by planting trees. Climate-neutral, net zero or CO₂-neutral are terms that are often used as synonyms.
Climate transition roadmap