Memberships and commitments

To underline our ambition and to exchange knowledge with other (financial) institutions, Achmea and/or its business units are a member of various national and international organisations.

Organisations of which Achmea is a member are:

  • United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
  • United Nations Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI)
  • Principles for Sustainable Insurance (PSI)
  • Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB)
  • Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF)
  • Energy Efficient Mortgage Hub (NL)
  • Dutch Association of Investors for Sustainable Development (VBDO)
  • MVO Nederland
  • Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB)
  • Dutch Fund and Asset Management Association (DUFAS)
  • Eumedion
  • Dutch Banking Association
  • Sustainable Finance Platform
  • Dutch Association of Insurers
  • Association of Dutch Health Insurers
  • Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe (AMICE)
  • International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation (ICMIF)
  • Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe (AMICE)
  • Eurapco
  • Geneva Association

We have also signed several commitments, including:

  • The climate commitment of the Dutch Financial sector
  • Forum for Insurance Transition to Net-Zero (FIT)
  • Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative (NZAMI)
  • International Responsible Business Conduct (IRBC) agreement for the insurance
  • Finance for Biodiversity Pledge
  • Banking Code
  • Code of Conduct for Insurers
  • Green Deal on Sustainable Healthcare 3.0

For more information about guidelines and initiatives in the field of responsible investment, see: SRI guidelines - Achmea.