Executive Board
Our company is governed by an Executive Board and a Supervisory Board. The Executive Board approves the strategy across the Achmea organization. The Supervisory Board monitors the Executive Board. Would you like to know who runs Achmea? Please find out more about our Executive Board members.


Bianca Tetteroo
Chair of the Executive Board
Bianca Tetteroo joined the Executive Board in June 2015 and has held the role of Vice-Chair since 1 January 2020. On 13 April 2021, Ms Tetteroo was appointed Chair of the Executive Board.
Ms Tetteroo completed her studies in information management and accountancy at Nyenrode University in 1997. She has also attended various executive training programmes, including on corporate governance and leadership at Insead. She began her career in 1988 at the accountancy firm Mazars. She entered the financial services industry in 1996 at what was then called Fortis, where she held various positions in Asset Management, De Verzekeraar and elsewhere. She joined Achmea in 2009, where she held the position of financial director at Syntrus Achmea. Ms Tetteroo had headed the Pension & Life division since 2012.
Ms Tetteroo is responsible for the focus areas Strategy & Transformation (incl. IT and CSR), Human Resources/Management Development, Administrative Office, Mediarelations & Public Affairs and Internal Audit.
Ms Tetteroo is a Board member of Garanti Emeklilik (Türkiye), the Dutch Association of Insurers (Vice-chair), the Achmea Foundation and the Geneva Association (international think tank for the insurance sector). As of 1 July 2024, she is a non-executive director of RELX PLC (formerly Reed Elsevier).
Ms Tetteroo completed her studies in information management and accountancy at Nyenrode University in 1997. She has also attended various executive training programmes, including on corporate governance and leadership at Insead. She began her career in 1988 at the accountancy firm Mazars. She entered the financial services industry in 1996 at what was then called Fortis, where she held various positions in Asset Management, De Verzekeraar and elsewhere. She joined Achmea in 2009, where she held the position of financial director at Syntrus Achmea. Ms Tetteroo had headed the Pension & Life division since 2012.
Ms Tetteroo is responsible for the focus areas Strategy & Transformation (incl. IT and CSR), Human Resources/Management Development, Administrative Office, Mediarelations & Public Affairs and Internal Audit.
Ms Tetteroo is a Board member of Garanti Emeklilik (Türkiye), the Dutch Association of Insurers (Vice-chair), the Achmea Foundation and the Geneva Association (international think tank for the insurance sector). As of 1 July 2024, she is a non-executive director of RELX PLC (formerly Reed Elsevier).

Michel Lamie
Vice-Chairman and Chief Financial Officer
Michel Lamie joined the Executive Board on 1 January 2017. He was appointed Chief Financial Officer on 1 April 2017 and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Board on 13 April 2021.
Mr Lamie is responsible for the focus areas Finance, Balance Sheet Management, M&A and Achmea Reinsurance. He is also responsible for the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Policy. Mr Lamie is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Reinsurance Company N.V. and member of the Management Board of Achmea Pensioen- en Levensverzekeringen N.V. and Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V.
Mr Lamie is a chartered accountant and studied Economics and Accountancy at VU University Amsterdam. After earning his degree, Mr Lamie began his career at KPMG, followed by a position as CFO of RSA Benelux. Mr Lamie then worked at Achmea, including as Group Director Finance & Control. He has been a member of the Board of De Goudse Verzekeringen as Deputy Chairman since 2005 and, from 2009 to 2016, served as Board Chairman. In addition, Mr Lamie served for many years as a director of the Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of insurance broker Van Lanschot Chabot (now known as VLC & Partners). In addition to his position at Achmea, Mr Lamie is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Royal De Heus.
Mr Lamie is responsible for the focus areas Finance, Balance Sheet Management, M&A and Achmea Reinsurance. He is also responsible for the Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) Policy. Mr Lamie is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Reinsurance Company N.V. and member of the Management Board of Achmea Pensioen- en Levensverzekeringen N.V. and Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V.
Mr Lamie is a chartered accountant and studied Economics and Accountancy at VU University Amsterdam. After earning his degree, Mr Lamie began his career at KPMG, followed by a position as CFO of RSA Benelux. Mr Lamie then worked at Achmea, including as Group Director Finance & Control. He has been a member of the Board of De Goudse Verzekeringen as Deputy Chairman since 2005 and, from 2009 to 2016, served as Board Chairman. In addition, Mr Lamie served for many years as a director of the Dutch Association of Insurers (Verbond van Verzekeraars) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of insurance broker Van Lanschot Chabot (now known as VLC & Partners). In addition to his position at Achmea, Mr Lamie is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Royal De Heus.

Daphne de Kluis
Daphne de Kluis was appointed a member of the Executive Board of Achmea on 12 October 2021.
Ms De Kluis studied Work and Organisational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. She joined ABN AMRO in 1998. After holding various positions within Commercial Clients and Corporate & Institutional Banking, in 2009, she was named Global Head of Debt Solutions and, in 2013, Global Head of Financial Restructuring & Recovery. In 2017, she was appointed CEO Commercial Banking and was appointed a member of the Executive Committee of ABN AMRO.
Ms De Kluis is responsible for the Pension & Life division, Achmea Pension Services, Achmea Investment Management, Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance and Achmea Bank.
Ms De Kluis is a member of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Bank N.V., the Supervisory Board of Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance B.V. and the Supervisory Board of Achmea Investment Management B.V. She is a member of the Management Board of Achmea Pensioen- en Levensverzekeringen N.V.
Until July 2022, Ms De Kluis was also a member of the Supervisory Board of Euronext Amsterdam and Stadsherstel Amsterdam. Until September 2022, Ms De Kluis was also a member of the Board of the Hoge Veluwe Fonds and at ITVItae.
Ms De Kluis studied Work and Organisational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. She joined ABN AMRO in 1998. After holding various positions within Commercial Clients and Corporate & Institutional Banking, in 2009, she was named Global Head of Debt Solutions and, in 2013, Global Head of Financial Restructuring & Recovery. In 2017, she was appointed CEO Commercial Banking and was appointed a member of the Executive Committee of ABN AMRO.
Ms De Kluis is responsible for the Pension & Life division, Achmea Pension Services, Achmea Investment Management, Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance and Achmea Bank.
Ms De Kluis is a member of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Bank N.V., the Supervisory Board of Syntrus Achmea Real Estate & Finance B.V. and the Supervisory Board of Achmea Investment Management B.V. She is a member of the Management Board of Achmea Pensioen- en Levensverzekeringen N.V.
Until July 2022, Ms De Kluis was also a member of the Supervisory Board of Euronext Amsterdam and Stadsherstel Amsterdam. Until September 2022, Ms De Kluis was also a member of the Board of the Hoge Veluwe Fonds and at ITVItae.

Robert Otto
Robert Otto joined the Executive Board in August 2015. After reading Law at Leiden University, he began his career in 1992 at ING. In his final position at the banking and insurance group he was responsible for ING Insurance and Postbank Insurance. After a period of two years as CEO of OHRA, he took up the post of managing director of the commercial division of Delta Lloyd in 2010. In mid-2013, Robert Otto joined Achmea as chairman of the Non-Life division.
Mr Otto is responsible for the Zilveren Kruis division, InShared and the foreign operating companies (OpCos) in Australia, Canada, Greece, Turkey and Slovakia.
Mr Otto is Chairman of the Board of Eureko Sigorta and Interamerican Greece. He is also SOOA (senior officer outside Australia) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Australia. He is also chairman of the Supervisory Board of Union and a member of the Supervisory Board of Onlia, as well as chairman of the Supervisory Board of InShared.
In addition, Mr Otto is a board member of AMICE (Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe), ICMIF (International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation) en the iFHP (International Federation of Health Plans).
Mr Otto is responsible for the Zilveren Kruis division, InShared and the foreign operating companies (OpCos) in Australia, Canada, Greece, Turkey and Slovakia.
Mr Otto is Chairman of the Board of Eureko Sigorta and Interamerican Greece. He is also SOOA (senior officer outside Australia) and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Australia. He is also chairman of the Supervisory Board of Union and a member of the Supervisory Board of Onlia, as well as chairman of the Supervisory Board of InShared.
In addition, Mr Otto is a board member of AMICE (Association of Mutual Insurers and Insurance Cooperatives in Europe), ICMIF (International Cooperative and Mutual Insurance Federation) en the iFHP (International Federation of Health Plans).

Lidwien Suur
Lidwien Suur joined the Executive Board of Achmea in September 2019. Ms Suur studied International Business at Maastricht University and started her career in 1998 at ING/Nationale-Nederlanden. While there, among other things, she served as Director of Income Protection Insurance and Programme Director Strategy. She held the position of Managing Director of Unigarant and ANWB Verzekeren from the beginning of 2012 and has been a member of the board of ANWB since 2014. In 2016, she was made CFO of the ANWB.
Ms Suur is responsible for the focus areas Non-Life division, Centraal Beheer division, Interpolis division, Distribution, Innovation & Brand as well as Achmea Corporate Relations & Partnerships.
She is a member of the Management Board of Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Reinsurance Company N.V. and Chair of the Supervisory Board of N.V. Hagelunie, as well as a board member of the Achmea Innovation Fund. Since July 2022, Ms Suur has also been a member of InShared’s Supervisory Board.
Ms Suur is also Chair of the Non-Life Insurance Sector Board of the Dutch Association of Insurers and Chair of the Administrative Consultation between the Dutch Association of Insurers and NVGA. She is Vice-Chair of the Board of Guarantee Fund Motor Traffic (Waarborgfonds Motorverkeer) and Vice-Chair of the Netherlands Bureau of Motor Insurers (Nederlands Bureau der Motorrijtuigverzekeraars). She is also Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Dutch Terrorism Risk Reinsurance Company.
Ms Suur is responsible for the focus areas Non-Life division, Centraal Beheer division, Interpolis division, Distribution, Innovation & Brand as well as Achmea Corporate Relations & Partnerships.
She is a member of the Management Board of Achmea Schadeverzekeringen N.V. She is also a member of the Supervisory Board of Achmea Reinsurance Company N.V. and Chair of the Supervisory Board of N.V. Hagelunie, as well as a board member of the Achmea Innovation Fund. Since July 2022, Ms Suur has also been a member of InShared’s Supervisory Board.
Ms Suur is also Chair of the Non-Life Insurance Sector Board of the Dutch Association of Insurers and Chair of the Administrative Consultation between the Dutch Association of Insurers and NVGA. She is Vice-Chair of the Board of Guarantee Fund Motor Traffic (Waarborgfonds Motorverkeer) and Vice-Chair of the Netherlands Bureau of Motor Insurers (Nederlands Bureau der Motorrijtuigverzekeraars). She is also Chair of the Supervisory Board of the Dutch Terrorism Risk Reinsurance Company.

Michiel Delfos
Michiel Delfos joined the Executive Board of Achmea as Chief Risk Officer in April 2022.
Mr Delfos joined Achmea in early 2014 as Director of Property & Casualty insurance and became president of the Non-Life division in October 2015. He previously held various management and executive positions at Delta Lloyd and ABN AMRO Insurance, focusing on Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance and Legal Affairs. He studied International Economic Law at Leiden University.
Mr Delfos is responsible for Compliance, Risk Management & Actuarial, Central Services, Legal Affairs, Coordination Supervisors and the Achmea Sustainable Together programme.
Mr Delfos was a member of the Supervisory Board of Vereende N.V. until June 2022. Until October 2022 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of Onlia Canada. In addition, Mr Delfos is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Dutch Nuclear Insurance Pool. He also participates on behalf of Achmea in the CRO Forum, a group of professional risk managers from the European insurance industry dedicated to developing and promoting best practices in Risk Management.
Mr Delfos joined Achmea in early 2014 as Director of Property & Casualty insurance and became president of the Non-Life division in October 2015. He previously held various management and executive positions at Delta Lloyd and ABN AMRO Insurance, focusing on Sales, Marketing, Operations, Finance and Legal Affairs. He studied International Economic Law at Leiden University.
Mr Delfos is responsible for Compliance, Risk Management & Actuarial, Central Services, Legal Affairs, Coordination Supervisors and the Achmea Sustainable Together programme.
Mr Delfos was a member of the Supervisory Board of Vereende N.V. until June 2022. Until October 2022 he was a member of the Supervisory Board of Onlia Canada. In addition, Mr Delfos is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Dutch Nuclear Insurance Pool. He also participates on behalf of Achmea in the CRO Forum, a group of professional risk managers from the European insurance industry dedicated to developing and promoting best practices in Risk Management.
Board secretary